Welcoming June is a new event, FIRST WEDNESDAY IN WINTERSVILLE. The event takes place June 2nd on Main Street Wintersville, from 4:30-8:30pm (rain or shine) and features a farmers’ market, craft vendors, food trucks, kids’ games, DJ, wine & beer. First Wednesday in Wintersville is planned for the first Wednesdays of the month from June through October.
The following day, June 3rd is the first regular FORT STEUBEN SUMMER CONCERTS, featuring Easy Street and THE VOGUES. The concert begins at 7pm at the Berkman Amphitheater, Fort Steuben Park. No admission is charged, however, a free will offering is welcome to help pay for the entertainers. The concerts will continue each Thursday thereafter through the end of July, with THE FANTASY’S, VINCE VILLANOVA BIG BAND, BEATLEMANIA MAGIC, RON RETZER TRIO and many more!
Next, on June 4th, is FIRST FRIDAY ON FOURTH, with the June theme: Storybook. First Fridays take place on Fourth Street, beginning at 6pm. There will be music, art, food, beer, wine, and local production for all. The event is sponsored by The Harmonium Project and Leonardo’s Coffeehouse & Renaissance Coffee Roasting Co.
The first weekend of the month brings us OHIO VALLEY FRONTIER DAYS, the annual celebration of history and the past. Meet the Soldiers, Surveyors, and Native Americans who were part of our 18th century heritage. Taking place at Historic Fort Steuben on Saturday, June 5th, from 10am to 8pm and Sunday, June 6th, from 11am to 5pm, this festival brings food, music, crafts, re-enactors and fun for the whole family. Admission: Adults – $6; Youth (6-12) – $3; and under 6 years old is free. Also, at the same time visit the OHIO PIONEERS EXHIBIT at Historic Fort Steuben, which is ongoing from May 16th through June 30th.
STEUBENVILLE GOSPEL MUSIC NIGHT, presented by the Ohio Valley Youth Network & The Sycamore Youth Center, takes place on Sunday, June 13th at 6:30pm at the Berkman Amphitheater, Fort Steuben Park, 120 S. Third Street. There are 15 featured artists and special guest: Ashley Marina (seen on America’s Got Talent). Admission is free. For further info, call Bobby Jon Bauman at 740-409-2986.
Saturday, June 19th is the JUNETEENTH FREEDOM DAY FESTIVAL at the Second Baptist Church from 10am to 8pm. It will feature DJ, all day music, local talent, health and wellness information and screenings, vendors, food and much more.
THE 35th ANNUAL GRECIAN FOOD FEST at the Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church, takes place from Wednesday, June 23rd through Friday, June 25th, from 11am to 9pm each day. Free admission and parking. Available for the Festival, they will be accepting carry – out orders via their Online Ordering system.
The same week, the DEAN MARTIN HOMETOWN CELEBRATION takes place, beginning Thursday, June 24th through Saturday, June 26th, co-hosted by The Fort Steuben Visitor Center and The Spot Bar. The festival features a street fair, with food, vendors, live (free) entertainment, and car cruise in; and nightly entertainment at The Spot Bar. For a full schedule visit: Steubenville Hometown Celebration Facebook page or www.visitsteubenville.com
The 2021 BREW AND FOOD TRUCK FESTIVAL, presented by Festival in the Woods, takes place on Saturday, June 26th, from 11am – 8pm, 210 S. Park Street, Richmond.